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About Me

My name is Corbin Shriner and I am the founder of Heel Clickin' Services. I started this business so I could live my life to the fullest, and help others do the same. I grew up and attended college in Wyoming, where I earned a bachelor's degree in Communications and Marketing in 2017 and moved to Montana with my wife in 2020. Heel Clickin' Services became a vision after traveling abroad for two years then returning to the States and a standard 9-5 job. I suddenly felt 'time-poor' and missed the autonomy I had with my scheduling and I realized others might feel the same. So, I started Heel Clickin' Services.


Why Heel Clickin'? Well, while on our trip I would do a heel click in fun places that we visited, It started as me just goofing around but grew into so much more than that. It's now a symbol of time freedom that we all strive for. I know that small business owners are stressed and often feel time-poor. I'm here to change that, I'll do the clickin' while you focus on the tasks that will grow your business. 

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